VBITS99 - Pictures

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Pictures taken during SF VBITS99 March 1-6, 1999. Page 7 of 8
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If you have questions, name corrections, or comments e-mail Don Bradner

Man, that's a
tough climb!   Robert Brisson
and an unidentified tourist   Kevin Dorff
sprints past his wife as they are followed by Rocky Lhotka   Michael
Amundsen and Mike Schinkel try to catch their breath   Vincent Rithner, 
Mike Schinkel, Ross Anderson, Gareth Thomas, Michael Amundsen and Javed Raviq
Jonny Anderson
and Phil Burns near the top   LJ Johnson and
his wife Mary finish the climb   Michael Sparenborg
and Paula Brisson chat as they rest after the climb   Don Kiely
shoots the photographer   Learning viticulture.
Identifiable are Mary Johnson, Bob O'Brien, LJ Johnson, Kevin Dorff, Dan Fergus (with cap), Bill
Coleman, Karen Jaskolka, Ed Woodrick, Paula Brisson, Andrew Brust, Lynn Moffatt, Tim Moffatt, our
tour guide, Allan Colby, Jennifer, Michael Sparenborg, David McCarter and Robert Brisson
Exiting the winery   Wine Tasting 101. 
Identifiable folks include Bill Coleman, Bob O'Brien, Phil Burns, Dave Quigley, Ed Woodrick,
Yukiko Ito, Karen Jaskolka, Rich Bramande and Allan Colby   Dinner at Guaymas.
Rocky Lhotka, David McCarter, David's Girlfriend Jennifer, Dave Quigley, Andrew Brust, Steele Price,
Yukiko Ito and Bob O'Brien   Tim Moffatt, Tim's wife Lynn,
Ross Anderson, Phil Burns, Gareth Thomas, Javed Rafiq, LJ Johnson and Mary Johnson   Michael Gilbert,
Karen Jaskolka, Ed Woodrick, Allan Colby, Vincent Rithner, Ferhat's wife Alev, Ferhat Bueyuekkoekten,
Michael Amundsen and Robert Scoble

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